Our Team

Betsi Freeman
Originally from central Illinois, Betsi Freeman moved to LA as a college student to see if they’d let her keep working on film sets. Mostly, she ended up administrating in offices – all kinds of offices.
As a fierce advocate of beauty and excellence in the arts, Betsi has always been drawn to great music, theater and public speakers. She books clients and works with teammates who pursue integrity and greatness, and help keep her sane every day. She holds a BA from Wheaton College (IL) and an MS in News-Editorial Journalism from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Chris Jones
Chris Jones, based in Pasadena, received his bachelor’s degree in music at Cal State Fullerton. He co-founded a local caroling company, The Candlelight Carolers, as well as the house concert series and video podcast SoCal LoTal and opera company Black Tie Opera. He handles scheduling, contracting, invoicing, and bookings. As a bass-baritone himself, he loves to support and collaborate with his peers as a quartet singer, actor and entrepreneur.
He also enjoys musical theater, gaming, and Marvel movies.

Matt Saul
Matt Saul is an avid fan and supporter of indie music. Since graduating from Wheaton College (IL) with a degree in computer science, he has built and maintained Websites for businesses as varied as Tradition Creek (traditioncreek.com) and Hotels Etc., as well as lending technical support for the Betsi Freeman Booking weekly online show and spearheading the BFB Carol-Gram shop in 2021. He has been a community builder and autism advocate in Grand Rapids, MI for many years, supporting open mics and sharing his raw poetry with fellow locals. He is also a champion supporter of the Tiny House for Leta project (tinyhousefor.com), volunteering countless hours to bolster its initiatives.
He enjoys spending time with his cat, siblings, nieces and nephews and visiting Lake Michigan (even in the wintry cold!)

Josh Chandra
Josh Chandra is an improvisational pianist with extensive planning and performance experience in preparing, rehearsing, and executing music in weekly services and special events. Josh also has veteran experience with CRM databases, such as Asana, Blackbaud, and Ministry Scheduler Pro, as well as mail merge, message board, video conference, and webmaster platforms. He singlehandedly migrated his megachurch’s entire music office network to the cloud, and is passionate for rapid-yet-thorough business solutions.
Josh serves as the Director of Music at St. John Vianney Catholic Parish in Brookfield, WI, where he works with a choir, a bell choir, soloists, guest instrumentalists, and members of the worship band Midnight Wine.